Monday, March 3, 2008


My little birthday girl
Originally uploaded by cebbtn

My baby is three today. I almost said my tiny baby, but the reality is, she has never been a tiny baby. Always a big girl, from day one - all nine pounds of her. She has been so excited about her upcoming birthday, asking every day if today is the day. She is all ready to join the "big girl" club. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I am certain of one thing and that is , whether I'm ready or not, she's off and running. Jim and I both greeted her this morning with "Happy Birthday" in bed and she just relished in it. We did too. It seems harder to believe that she is three than it did when Rachel turned three - maybe because we still had a baby in the house then. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

1 comment:

amy said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby girl!!!