Monday, December 21, 2009

Down to the Wire

With just days left till Christmas and even fewer days until we hit the road to travel to my parents, I have decided to think up more gifts to make and more things to do, but have failed to find more hours in the day. I started the above project yesterday evening and am very excited about them. Twenty-four are complete as of tonight, but there are hundreds more ideas bouncing around in my head now, thanks to them. The combine my love of paper and fabric and that's all I'm going to say about them for now.

The elves are still here. Some days they are more interesting than others. This morning they couldn't be found until one of the girls was sent out to feed the outdoor kitty and there they were, hanging out on the porch. The girls didn't look any further and had to be prompted to look past the elves and into the yard. We were "caned" (the good kind) last night. A treat for everyone because we got to take the night off from elving and let our church's youth do the job for us. The cane the homes of all the families with young children each year. This involves taping candy canes to plastic knives and forks and then poking them into the ground all while being incredibly quiet and covert. I think the girls were both in our living room, which looks out onto the front yard while this was taking place. The below photo is not very impressive, but you get the idea....and the kids are impressed.

Now it's time for me to head to the kitchen because even though the girls and I baked for three hours this morning, I decided to invite the neighbors over tomorrow to decorate sugar cookies and we currently have no sugar cookies. Then maybe I ought to wrap some presents. Or think about the laundry that needs to get done tomorrow so that it can be packed. And there's also a to-do list for tomorrow morning when I run out to finish that... oh what's that called? Oh yeah, the Christmas shopping. Need to finish that too. And then deliver the goodies we baked for neighbors. And mail the packages that I know won't make it in time, but still need to go. Surely there's more, but my mind might be about to blow.


Anonymous said...

I'm tellin' you- the elves still creep me out. See ya Thursday! --erin

Dolly said...

Your fabrics DELIGHT me ! I can't wait to see why they're sewn to paper..........don't forget to let us in on it later !