Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Growing Up

Miss Sickie is feeling better. The fever broke last night and was replaced by ants in the pants. The girl needs to go back to school tomorrow! With so much sickness (on her part and others), I am worried about her new fixation, which isn't really clear in this photo. The bottom left tooth is loose. Quite loose now and she's working it constantly. I cannot count how many times today I have told her that when she goes back to school, she's got to stop wiggling it with her finger. I shudder at the thought of all the germs she'll be putting out there for others, as well has sticking back in her mouth. Ack. I'm sure she'll remember my words, along with "don't overdo it on the playground at recess". Yeah, sure Mom. She'll be fine though - she always is. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy this picture and the priceless look of excitement on her face as she awaits the loss of this tooth - she's been waiting so long!

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