Thursday, February 19, 2009

Momentum lost

Seems I've hit a slump in the crafting. The past week has been consumed with some serious cleaning up and out at my house. I have so much "stuff" that I'm finding it hard to manage my life, as the stuff seems to be taking over and can't be controlled. I partly blame this on the little folks in our house, as I don't remember tripping over stuffed animals daily seven years ago. But I'm tripping now, and trying to do something about it. All of it. So the evenings have been spent in covert operations that would make the girls yell "that's my favorite!!". It's all their favorite - that's why my actions have to take place under cover of darkness.

I did do one fun thing though. Several months ago a mother from Rachel's class asked me if I liked to craft. How could I say no. My emphatic yes landed me the responsibility of making the girl's kindergarten pottery piece for the school auction which starts next month. That sounded all good and fun as well, until I realized that it was up to me to make something attractive that other parents would want out of fingerprints. So this is what I came up with. The centers of the flowers are their fingerprints, I painted the petals - that would have been too many fingerprints to try and manage quickly in one morning. Anyhow, I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm not thinking I'll bid on it....unless no one else does, but I do think it would be cute for the right person.

So here's hoping that the crafting mojo comes back soon and I can hit the ground running. If nothing else, I have another birthday bunting to finish in the next two weeks, before an incredible little girl turns four. Four! How can that be?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love it, you did a fantastic job!!!

I went on a little covert mission of my own after Christmas. It was kind of fun being a little sneaky!!