Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We had more snow on Friday - about an inch and a half. Even flurries are a big deal here, so anything that sticks on the ground is pretty life altering. And the abundance of snow here this winter has definitely been life altering for us. We have spent so much time outside playing in the cold, which we would normally not be so game for and I have spent what seems like a life altering amount of time washing and drying wet clothes! Lots of good fun.

This is the Valentine I made for the girls (I made two - I'm no fool). I sewed several strips of 1" wide and pink fabric together to get a new fabric to cut the hearts out of, then sewed it to the pink polka-dot fabric. I embroidered "love" on that and then glued it to a piece of paper that says "I love you" and glued that down to a larger piece of pink card stock. What was probably the most fun was the tiny little heart stamp I created by carving it out of a pencil eraser. It worked! Always a good feeling. They were well received, but there was also a request for something more. I think my kids have become too accustomed to always getting "things". They don't even really care about the "thing" - just that they got it. My head is going topsy turvy trying to think of how to stop this now, at almost 5 and 7 and not let it get any further out of hand. Any suggestions? We're already thinking that the Easter Bunny is going to appear very scroogish this year. But for now, Happy Valentine's Day.


Anonymous said...

We really stress the idea behind the holiday, Easter=Jesus sacrifice, not just chocolate bunnies and Easter baskets. Now don't get me wrong the holidays should also be fun!! I try to make it about doing things together.
We also started giving them a small allowance. Then when they want something I just say sure you can have it, how much do YOU have? At first they spent alot of it. Now they really think about the "thing" and whether or not spending the money is worth it. The gimmes are all but gone.

jenn said...

you are serious about using up all your scraps and doing an amazing job!!!!!!!! Love it Love it Love it! I filled the kids room with heart balloons and made a valentine heart out of chocolate kisses on their door. Elle refuses to eat one as to not wreak the integrity of the heart (my words not hers)...I know that would not last in yourhouse though:)